Out of all five humans living in this house, only one of us will eat a banana without force or trickery. Personally, they make me gag. It’s the texture, and the smell, and like, the taste. via GIPHY I can’t do it. All of the Dudes ate them as babies, but gradually, as they grew into real humans, they began to see the light and
We Made Oreo Cookie Pops!
Sort of. So, here’s the thing, I love Pinterest. Love it. Could scroll through those pages for hours oohing and ahhing and repining images of tasty treats and inspiring DIY projects. I fall in love with these projects and activities and recipes crated by Pinterest moms who just make magic in their kitchens (and wherever else they decide to whip up awesome). Only, not sure
Nut Butter Chocolate Cheerios: The Cereal Recipe You Need This Summer
**This delicious cereal recipe is sponsored by General Mills Cereal** Recently we had a Facebook discussion on DudeMom.com about feeding a family of 5. That struggle is so totally real, you guys. Especially when your family includes three super active, still growing Dudes. I have been working really hard this summer to develop more meaningful diets for them that will help them meet their athletic
10 Super Easy Easter Breakfast Ideas
If I had to choose one meal to live on for the rest of life, hands down it would be breakfast. I. Love. Breakfast. Just, so much. I am always looking for yummy breakfast ideas to try (and by try I mostly mean convince other people to cook them for me because food is always yummier when you don’t have to make it yourself). Easter
Cooking with Kids: Pizza Brings Families Together
Thank you Ellio’s Pizza for sponsoring this post. Visit your local retailer to pick up your own Ellio’s Pizza for a pizza night in! Weeknights are hard for us. Weekends too. But, especially weeknights. We are exhausted from work and school. We usually have at least three locations to be by 5:30 p.m. and only one person who can drive – me. DudeDad isn’t home
Peach Dump Cake: So Easy a 9 Year Old Can Make It
And he did! Dude 3 has always loved helping me bake. He asks me to join him in the kitchen to bake something every week of life and, while it’s neither convenient nor a great idea for my waistline, I have to admit, I enjoy his enthusiasm. I love that it is a fun way for the two of us to spend time together while