If you’re here to donate (HOORAY!) here is a link to make it easier for you: DONATE HERE In less than two months, my oldest son will be a senior in high school. via GIPHY I can hardly even believe that this sweet face… Is now covered in hair, driving his own car, working at his own job, and looking into colleges. Especially because at
Bringing Science to Breakfast with General Mills Cereals and Rube Goldberg Machines
**Today’s post was sponsored by General Mills Cereals. All opinions are our own.** Growing up I remember sitting at my breakfast table with nothing but the back of my cereal box to entertain me –no iPad, no phone, not even TV because my mom was not about that TV-while-eating life. Obviously I never knew what I was missing and I truly used to love doing
Moms of Boys: 15 Things DudeMoms Need to Know
In case you haven’t heard, bff, more widely known around here as the Baby Baker completed her baking and popped out a handsome, healthy human baby a couple of weeks ago. She’s officially a card carrying member of the Dude Mom’s club! I wanted to just take a moment to share a few things with her to get her ready for Dude kid rearing. She
Wordful Wednesday. The Lemonade Stand is Open!
The lemonade stand has officially opened for the season. He charges $.25 for a cup. For $.50 you get free refills and a gumball from the machine. To enhance his profits over last year’s lemonade stand, this season, my budding entrepreneur changed his uniform (apparently the bowtie will be saved for special occasion stands only, and he will serve most of his customers while wearing
Wordful Wednesday. How to Make a Cape.
From a t-shirt! Because I have absolutely no idea how to make a cape from fabric. With like a sewing machine or whatever. What I do know, is that, when strapped for things to do on a rainy Tuesday that happened to follow a rainy Monday and an unseasonably cold weekend, you sorta just need something amazing to wow your 5 year old son with.
How to Potty Train Boys.
Ok peeps. This is big. It’s the one you have ALL been waiting for. The one every parent everywhere has been waiting for… Dumb Mom’s Guide to Potty Training a reluctant and at times belligerent recently-turned-two year old boy Yes, friends, it can be done. #3, resident reluctant and borderline belligerent two year old boy, is fully daytime potty trained with a little nighttime accompaniment.
Dude Mom Monday. Meet Drea Wood.
It’s been ages but, in an effort to be more, um, predictable (because sometimes that’s a good thing) I am bringing back the Dude Mom Lifers features. Shorter. Sweeter. And, more awesomer of course. Up first?! Meet: Andrea Mom to: 4 little Dudes, with a fresh one born just last month Read her blog: Drea Wood (you can also find her putting up awesome reviews
Dude Mom Life. School Daze.
Or, I could’ve titled this post Why Working From Home Isn’t As Amazing As People Think It Is. Today is the first day of school for the big Dudes. Lots of WAHMs anxiously look forward to this special day of the year when the kids head back to school and your living room couch home office gets to be used again. In our case, it
Dude Dad Monday. Dad Awesome Photos.
Yesterday we took Dumb Dad to a lunch he hated, bought him a drill he can’t use, and lost the cards we purchased before we even had a chance to give them to him (I put them someplace “safe” and they will remain there safely until I remember where the heck that is). The dog is ill. We have to pay $600 in the morning