While we’re all stuck at home social distancing thanks to Coronavirus, boredom busters for kids are truly coming in handy. The funny thing about school is that, though your kids are at it for six hours each day, a lot of their time spent there is NOT spent actively learning – they spend time moving from place to place, socializing, eating, and engaging in various
Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus
Have you been talking to your kids about Coronavirus? Concerns about COVID-19, more commonly known as the Coronavirus, are sweeping the nation. The disease that has infected thousands and taken hundreds of lives in China in the past three months touched down in the United States this February and people are starting to panic. Some of those people may be your children. They will have
Parenting: Top 15 Things I Wish My Middle School Kid Knew
I came across this article recently about parenting middle schoolers. It’s from a mom of a middle school kid who is sharing the things her middle school kid has expressed they need without words. Because everyone who has a middle school can tell you the words aren’t always the best indicator of what they really want. You can click on it and check it out
20 Unexpected Things You’ll Be Happy to Hear About Parenting Teens
Two of my three children are currently living securely in the teen years. Seated awkwardly between what I like to call the cuddly kid years and the almost adulting years they enter when they graduate from high school, head off to college, and begin to taste the cold, hard reality that going to a fast food joint and only being able to afford something from
Positive Parenting: How to Make Your Sons Decent People
I’m going to say something that is probably gonna get the gender police all riled up, but raising boys is hard. Keep your earrings on, and note, I did not say raising boys was harder than raising girls. I am not a boy mom who is about to tell you that. First, it’s unlikely to be true –boys and girls are different in some ways,
Parenting: 12 Things All Good Moms Do
I’ve been struggling lately with giving you guys interesting things to read. Not because I don’t have ideas, I have plenty of ideas. It’s time I’m struggling with. Lately, I just don’t have time to focus my ideas to create engaging stuff people actually want to read. Just work, and kids stuff, and more work, and more kid stuff, and cookies. Some evil children came
Simplify Your Mom Game: Fun Things to Do With kids
Today is our first day of spring break. The weather dude says it will reach a marvelous 69 degrees of full on sunshine. Know what that means? Dudes will be banished from the house for a full day of playing in the yard. I will throw them snacks out the back window and they can drink from the yard hose. They can muddy their shoes
Moms of Boys: 15 Things DudeMoms Need to Know
In case you haven’t heard, bff, more widely known around here as the Baby Baker completed her baking and popped out a handsome, healthy human baby a couple of weeks ago. She’s officially a card carrying member of the Dude Mom’s club! I wanted to just take a moment to share a few things with her to get her ready for Dude kid rearing. She
Dude Mom Life: Dude House Sounds. Vol 1.
If someone told me thirteen or so years ago, that mom life would one day be me convincing my son that hoarding my dead body was a monumentally bad idea, I wouldn’t have believed them. Sometimes, I still don’t. This is what a Dude House sounds like… Me: Underwear actually aren’t a two day item. You have to take them off and put on fresh