The family meal is an important tradition for us. It was always super important to my parents when I was growing up and, while I’m not as great at it as they were (my Dudes are more active than my brother and I were and my parents’ work schedule was different than my husband’s), we make it a priority to do it as much as
Moms of Boys: 15 Things DudeMoms Need to Know
In case you haven’t heard, bff, more widely known around here as the Baby Baker completed her baking and popped out a handsome, healthy human baby a couple of weeks ago. She’s officially a card carrying member of the Dude Mom’s club! I wanted to just take a moment to share a few things with her to get her ready for Dude kid rearing. She
Marriage Advice: What Your Sons Teach You About Your Husband
There are a lot of things about being a DudeMom that I didn’t anticipate. Like the amount of noise, and the never ending energy, and their desire to leap from things in a single bound. Their obsession with Axe Body Spray (seriously, I think they put some sort of pheromone inside that makes them feel like they need to spray it thickly all over their
Apparently It’s Quitting Time…
Recently, so many of the blogs I’ve known and loved for ages are closing up shop. Like this one, and sigh, this one too. Moving on from blogging to new things, saying goodbye to online life and hours behind their computers, saying hello to new adventures and experiences, and probably like more Vitamin D as the spend their time frolicking in the sunshine. Or, whatever