I have been on this major make-my-house-awesomer kick lately. I think a few things have inspired it (prepare yourself for the longest run on sentence ever): my secret desire to move to a brand new house that is dashed by the fact that I will never be able to sell the money trap I live in love my neighborhood, my not so secret abhorrence of
Simplify Your Mom Game: Budget Holiday Card Ideas
Holiday cards. I love them. I make them to send each year and I actually keep all of the ones that I get and used them to decorate my house each holiday season. But also, so expensive. I’m a photo artist, I get the reasons why. But man, this year I came thiiiiiis close to just not sending them. And then, Artifact Uprising. I just
Grammar for Grown Folks: Understanding Their There They’re
I asked my Facebook friends for some posting inspiration recently and it seemed that people were in the mood for a fresh post on making your grammar more accurate and less embarrassing. Dat’s wassup! I love helping people look and feel smarter! I know. You feel like judging me right now because I started a post about bad grammar with bad grammar. That’s what we
Simplify Your Mom Game: Cleaning Tips for the Slightly Unclean
If there is one surefire way to ensure our friendship dies a fiery death it’s showing up at my house unexpected. Instant unfriend. And, I’m not talking about on Facebook. I’m talking about in real life. Only, like it’s more of a conscious decoupling that only I know about. Because I hate confrontation. And I would never unfriend someone to their face for being inconsiderate
Simplify Your Mom Game: Guerrilla Laundry Tactics
There are few things filthier than a dude’s hamper. Everything inside is smelly and sticky and dirty and foul. And real talk, I hate, hate, hate doing it. It’s not the grossness factor though. Over 13 years in the Dude Mom-ing game and I’m all good with the nasty. It’s the sheer quantity that I hate. If I had to make a list of things
Happy Human Hacks: Update Your Spring Outfits on a Budget
I like to shop. I like putting outfits together. I like finding new trends. I like walking around Marshall’s and digging through heaps of misplaced items to find hidden gems of stylish awesome and then clutching them to my chest as I rush to the register and party on the inside. But, I also appreciate a good buy because honestly, I can’t really afford to