Happy Christmas! For those of you who aren’t planning to celebrate this joyful holiday, that’s cool. We wish you a happy really late Tuesday/early Wednesday depending on where you are and when you’re reading this instead. Since I’m planning to take a brief blog hiatus in preparation for awesome things to come in the new year, I wanted to share my favorite photos and posts
Wordful Wednesday. Holiday Photo Cards.
We’ve been doing the annual holiday photo card for years. Let’s take a look back… I love sending holiday cheer all old school like via the US Postal Service and I love pulling them out towards the end of each year to look back on how much they’ve grown. I hope people who receive them enjoy them as much as we do. Or more even.
Wordful Wednesday. How to Take an Awesome Family Photo.
As we are in the throes of holiday photography season, I thought I’d write something for photographers (including everyday mamas trying really hard to snag a decent pic for those holiday cards) to help you up your awesome this season. After spending an insane amount of time discussing this post featuring the worst family photos of all time with pretty much every human being I
Wordful Wednesday. Cut Your Own Christmas Tree.
For the first time in life, we cut down our very own Christmas tree! I’m the first to admit that, when it comes to live Christmas trees, I’ve always been sort of a Scrooge. I would totally be a-ok with a pre-lit-low-maintenance-won’t-die-if-I-don’t-water-it artificial model. The monetary benefits and the lack of effort involved in that make it extremely appealing to me. But, I live with
Wordful Wednesday. Talking to Dudes.
Last Saturday marked the end of regular season for our youth football program. My middle ended the season heading to playoffs… They aren’t number one but he sure feels like it. #3 ended the season uncertain about whether he will return to the field next year, but still smiling because that’s just who he is. And also, they gave him a snack. And let him
Wordful Wednesday. Officially Fall.
Where we live, that means three things. Football, family photos, and football (the one Americans like to call soccer). Pretty much that’s all we have time for. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month and, for us football families, that’s a big deal. Our players and their families work really hard to raise money for the cause. Our program donates all of the funds we raise to
Wordful Wednesday. The Brotherhood Photo Project.
Yes, I am still recovering from Disney. Which naturally means I am going to spend this day torturing you with even more photos of our trip! Really, this is more about something I learned while at Disney. Spending so much time with my camera in my hands and my children unable to escape me, I discovered a few things that I plan on fixing: 1.
Wordful Wednesday. He Can See!
Dude #3 failed his first eye exam when he turned 4. We went in for his Well Visit and they did both test like always. I chuckled a bit when they said he failed both his hearing exam and his vision test. The doc came in and says, “Well, Mom, he failed! Both of ‘em!” all chipper like. I thought they were kidding. They weren’t.
Wordful Wednesday. Friday Night Lights.
Football season officially started in our home town this past Friday… Ignore the empty stands; that’s the visitor’s side. The Bears side was packed. Like, we-had-to-sit-in-the student-section-because-most-grown-ups-can’t-handle-the-shirt-less-body-painted-hollering-boys-and-the-screechy-girls crowded. I’d forgotten how small town-y it is where we live. I’d forgotten how much I actually liked that. I’d forgotten what it was like to sit in the bleachers, surrounded by friends, and family and cheer on