I like to shop.
I like putting outfits together. I like finding new trends. I like walking around Marshall’s and digging through heaps of misplaced items to find hidden gems of stylish awesome and then clutching them to my chest as I rush to the register and party on the inside.
But, I also appreciate a good buy because honestly, I can’t really afford to blow a bunch of cash on clothing every season.
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a bazillion times, buy quality, classic pieces and mix in trends to keep it fresh.
Spring is in full swing so time to dust off your winter closet and update your spring outfits for the warmer weather.
Need some ideas on how you can update your look for the season without breaking the bank?
I gotchu boo!
Happy Human Hacks: How to Update Your Spring Outfits on a Budget
1. Coordinate. Buy things that can be easily worn together and that go well with key pieces you already have in your wardrobe. My denim vest goes with so many things I sometimes have to remind myself to NOT wear it.
2. Start with the shoes. As much as you love your knee high leather boots, they have to get retired for spring and flip flops can’t be the ONLY warm weather foot apparel you own (don’t argue with me, they can’t be). Invest in a strappy sandal that can be worn casual and dressy-ish to get the most use out of your spring footwear.
3. Adorn with accessories. Colorful necklaces, a bright colored belt, a funky hat! All elements that you can easily add to your wardrobe to kick up the cool. I’m all about layering bracelets and wearing statement necklaces. Recently, I even added a cool hat to my wardrobe.
4. Shop your closet before you shop the store. Things like denim jackets and jeans can be worn year round. Go through your closet before you go shopping and pick out the pieces that you can continue to wear as the weather gets warmer. Focus on material and color to determine what will be a good carry over. While light colored denim and cotton will probably work, leather and dark wools are a no go. Also, pay attention to color trends. Coral, for example, is sort of a big deal this season. Shop for a classic cut top or blazer in a trendy color and you can go back to it for seasons to come!
5. Go for the bargain. I never shop online without going through ebates and checking Coupons.com. The cash back opportunities and savings on these sites can make a huge difference in your pocket book.
Where to shop:
The dress, skirt, white shorts (with the dog), and hat featured above are from Aventura. Because I’m an Aventura ambassador, I have discount codes for you so you can shop their organic styles.
Featured oxfords were a $19 steal from Marshall’s. You can snag them on 6pm for $24.99: Espirit Oxfords.
H&M is my go to spot for, um, so many things. The featured denim jacket is from there as is the floral top, the gray leggings, and white, long-sleeved top. Here are some of my favorite spring items from H&M…
*I am an ambassador for Aventura and, as art of my relationship with the brand, have received complimentary items of clothing. All opinions are my own, y’all know that.
Oh my gosh, yes! Those oxfords need to get on my feet, stat.
Love your tips. Ebates is totally my jam and your tips on shopping your closet are SO good. One thing I’ve started doing that’s semi-related is going through and taking out stuff that I’m not feeling anymore and sending them into thredUP. Then I use the money I get from that to get newer, prettier pieces!
Looking fantastic!!!
Great tips! I love shopping for accessories at H&M.
Have a great week!
Thanks for the reminder about ebates and online coupons!
Dang you and your flip flop rule. ;) I love outlet shopping. I got two pairs of Lucky Brand boyfriend cut jeans at the outlet for the price of one pair of them at Marshall’s. Score!
Love the picture of you jumping in the hat!! Look so happy!!!