*This post is sponsored by Patient First. All opinions are my own.*
Want your child to have a great high school experience?
Figuring out how to succeed in high school is about more than managing assignments and getting good grades. High school is an exciting time in a child’s life and you want to be sure it’s memorable, for a good reason.
How to succeed in high school is as much about time management, organization and academics as it is about learning to make good decisions, finding your fit socially and getting to know who you are and who you want to be.
I reached out to my Facebook community of parents to ask them to share their best back to school tips for high schoolers as well as the things they wish their kids would take to heart about having a successful high school experience.
Rather you’re sending your first child off to high school or have done this many times in the past, this advice will be helpful for you and your teen when it comes to how to succeed in high school.
How to Succeed in High School: What Parents Want You to Know
How to Succeed in High School: For Parents
Let them navigate situations with support, rather than handling things for them. – Stacey M.
They need you now more than ever! When they talk – listen. Let them know you will love them no matter what mistakes they make. Try to get to know their friends. – Lindsay B.
Focus on them doing their best. They have a lot of pressure and they need to know that they don’t have to be perfect at everything, they just need to put up their true best effort to ensure your support and approval. – DudeMom
Encourage them to advocate for themselves when needed. It can be tough for some, especially when mom or dad would always step in with teachers in the past. However, they’ll need to have these self advocacy skills as they grow up and the sooner they get to practice the better! – Ashley K.
How to Succeed in High School: For Students
Learn as much as you can and safely have fun doing it. – Karima S.
Highschool is NOT the best years of your life. It is extremely likely that ‘you’ will change multiple times before you find a comfortable-ish level of you. It is not going to happen in high school. – Johnathan M.
There are going to be school clubs. Pick the ones that sound interesting and join them! It’s a good way to find friends with common interests. – Amanda T.
You don’t have to like (and you won’t) but you should respect everybody and be the bigger person (easier said than done). And remember that one kind word or action from you could save somebody’s life. Literally. – Natalie H.
When your teacher gives you lots of time to do an assignment it means it will take lots of time to complete so don’t wait to the last minute to start working on it! This was a lesson my rising 10th grader had a hard time with in 9th. – Aimee O.