In case you haven’t heard, bff, more widely known around here as the Baby Baker completed her baking and popped out a handsome, healthy human baby a couple of weeks ago.
She’s officially a card carrying member of the Dude Mom’s club!
I wanted to just take a moment to share a few things with her to get her ready for Dude kid rearing. She can read it at 2am while she stares into the screaming mouth of her not-sleeping newborn and contemplates the meaning of life.
And sleep deprivation.
Moms of Boys: 15 Things DudeMoms Need to Know
1. Keep your mouth closed when you change diapers. Otherwise, you could realistically have it peed in.
2. It’s smegma. Just Google it and calm down.
3. Get over the word farts. It is officially a part of your vocabulary. Also, they’re hilarious.
4. Yes, your son is obsessed with his junk. I know he’s only 4 months old, but he loves it and he always will.
5. Wanna be a super hero? Learn to make sound effects with your mouth.
6. Guns and swords can be made out of anything. Straws, paper, fingers, sticks, bananas, granola bars bitten creatively by a well trained mouth, those twisty tie thingys they put on bread.
7. That saying “eat you out of house and home” is not a saying, it’s a truth.
8. Sometimes they really do go to sleep and wake up bigger.
9. The first time you call your home and start talking to your husband only to realize it’s actually your son, you will cry for a week.
10. You cry, it gets real. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility so use those tears wisely. (Also, YOU MUST KNOW WHAT MOVIE THIS QUOTE IS FROM!)
11. He’s really not cold. Shorts in the winter will be a thing.
12. Chances are you will be uncomfortable with seeing his naked man parts waaaaay before he will be uncomfortable with you seeing his naked man parts.
13. You’re probably going to have to justify the wearing of underwear at some point. That kind of freedom just feels so right.
14. Put on a dress and twirl, you will be a for real life princess instantly.
15. No one on the planet is going to love you more fiercely than your son.
The Imp says
As the mom of four boys and two girls, I have to say, girls do the farts are funny thing too…although, that might be a combination of self defence and adaptation to surroundings.
With 3 boys still at home, Wolf and I have often discussed buying a farm. Because raising a head of cattle is about the only way I can think of to keep them all fed once they hit the bottomless pit stage…which seems to be from 9 yrs old til they move out.
more coffee please says
The other morning I had to tell the boys to stop farting on each other and finish getting ready for school.
Jack says
Nice list and I relate to it as a ‘boy’ and a father. My son is 14 now and I have had so much fun reliving parts of my childhood.
Listening to comments from mothers of girls has made me laugh so many times because some of them just don’t get it and that is ok. Boys are glorious.
Girls are awesome too, love my daughter.
Randi says
#10 cracks me up! I can get my boys to do anything or feel sorry for ANYTHING if I just cry (or pretend cry, even bad pretend cry). Hilarious.
Janine Huldie says
I am a girl mom here with two little girls, but I loved your list. My mom had me and then my brother and she always said that no one loves you more then a son, so I think you definitely hit it on the head with that one. Not to say, I don’t love my mom, but still the love of a son I think it just different in nature (if that makes sense).
Susanne/The Dusty Parachute says
Oh, the farting, and the fart jokes and everything fart, fart, fart.
(sidenote – I tried to follow you on Instagram but the link on your site doesn’t seem to be working – Got ya on Twitter & FB though) ;)
Magdalena martinez says
I agree 100%! My son was 5’3″ one day and 5’4″ the next one, it is crazy!!!!!! Now the my oldest wears the same size as my husband is hard to tell their clothes apart.