Dude #3 is a gardener and getting it ready for the season is one of his favorite Earth Day Activities. He plans it, he plants it, he tends it, and he harvests it. All I do is grub what he grows. At five years old he had enough veggies to keep us in salsa for the entire winter, even after he shared his goods with
Kids Room Ideas: Humongosaur DIY Cork Board
I have been on this major make-my-house-awesomer kick lately. I think a few things have inspired it (prepare yourself for the longest run on sentence ever): my secret desire to move to a brand new house that is dashed by the fact that I will never be able to sell the money trap I live in love my neighborhood, my not so secret abhorrence of
Whoa, Girl, Is That a TV Tray?
I’ve been working on making over my family room for weeks. The new couch I sold a kidney to buy finally came and, contrary to my normal behavior, I’ve really gotten into redoing the whole room. We don’t have a lot of rooms in our home that feel like mine. Every room just seems to be taken over by The Dudes, including my own. But,
Boys Room Ideas: DIY Superhero Dresser Makeover
At the start of the summer, I found myself killing time at a foreign Wal-Mart. It wasn’t my sketchy hometown one, it was one of those sparkly new ones, with the wide aisles, and the baskets with four working wheels, and none of the mid century insane asylum lighting that so many of them seem to be outfitted with. I was strolling through calmly (none
Homemade Ice Cream with YayLabs!
Yesterday Dude 2 had his tonsils taken out. The surgery went well; done in 20 minutes flat. He did a couple of creepy things in the recovery room courtesy of the anesthesia, but overall he is in good spirits, and working his way through a Costco sized bottle of prescription pain reliever. I will write a more informative post about how and why we decided
Awesomeness. DIY Lego Table Redux & Stuff Moms Like
Home caring for a child with strep throat and covered in flash flood producing rain, I did the only thing I could think of to do that made any kind of sense… ate chocolate in my bed with a book under the covers upgraded the Lego table! Meet Fintorp, my new bestie. Another of Ikea’s most amazing inventions added to our Lego adventure space, and
Gardening with Kids: DIY Succulent Container Gardens.
In celebration of Earth Day we’re bringing you some container gardening tips! In addition to planting an entire, soon-to-be-edible, container garden and weeding a quarter of the area where our in ground garden will reside (so much more to be done!), we (by we I basically mean me because I’m pretty sure my gardening sidekick spent some of this time dancing barefoot in the grass
Dude Approved DIY Kid Crafts
I am not that crafty of a human. My hands shun intricate details, and make a mess of things that used to be pretty. But, every now and again, I sorta hit the jackpot when it comes to craftiness and, when I say every now and then, I basically mean five times in about as many years. Here are 5 DIY Kid Crafts to Try
DIY Holiday Photo Ornaments.
Determined to make my holiday sparkle, I decided to tackle some DIY holiday photo ornaments this year. I looked on Pinterest. So, so many ideas. But, as someone who can’t accurately follow a set of directions to save her life likes to forge her own path, I decided that I could eyeball a few samples without actually looking through the tutorials, and then come up