There are so many unjoyful things happening in our nation right now. Things that make looking at my boys and wishing for a safe future, free of judgment, free of hate, free of fear for just being who they are, hard. But, for me, as their mother, the joyful moments of us together are what keeps me focused on positivity. Seeing them grow into men,
Simplify Your Mom Game: Cleaning Tips for the Slightly Unclean
If there is one surefire way to ensure our friendship dies a fiery death it’s showing up at my house unexpected. Instant unfriend. And, I’m not talking about on Facebook. I’m talking about in real life. Only, like it’s more of a conscious decoupling that only I know about. Because I hate confrontation. And I would never unfriend someone to their face for being inconsiderate
Happy Mama Movement: Don’t Hate the Happy.
A Note About Happy Mama’s Posts: You can participate by linking up any post you’ve written this month about joy and motherhood. It doesn’t have to be about finding joy specifically, just a positive post about how you’re rockin’ mom-dom! Keeping it real is one of my blog mantras. I don’t desire to trick you guys into thinking I’m the best mom ever (as if),
If You’re a Happy Mama & You Know It.
Clap your hands. Do a little dance to that Pharell song no one seems to be able to get enough of. Then shout your joyfulness from the rooftops so your friends and neighbors can hear you. You know, for accountability purposes. I don’t know about you, but when I tell people I am going to do something I am instantly like 79.9% more likely to
Happy Mama Movement. Mission Be Happy.
They say that being happy is a choice. People, with our big brains and free will, have the ability to choose to be joyful beings. We can decide to accept life’s twists and turns and cherish them as part of the journey or loath them and hope they don’t kill us like they are clearly trying to. From my perspective there are basically two kinds
How to Be Happy: The Happy Mama Movement.
Welcome to 2014! After many hours weeks of thought and planning, I’ve decided that this will be my joy year. Look at me, ignore the tweenager, he knows nothing. The year I will focus entirely on being happier. And slightly more awesome. Not because I’m specifically unhappy, or in desperate need of any awesome upping. More just because I could probably stand to be like