So many of our conversations end in me laughing. Or, shaking my head. Or shaking my head while laughing. Their minds are just so amazing and I guess a filter is something that grows in during puberty. Or, never… Dude Mom Life: Dude House Sounds, Vol. 4 After his bath… Dude 3: It’s like I’m Superman. With the glasses. And he has this same curl
Dude Mom Life. Let’s Talk About It.
I know, when you think Dude Mom, I am probably the twelfth first mama to come to mind. Probably it’s my never ending stories of boys peeing in public and embarrassing me with their loud voices and never ending antics upping the awesome of life, or my plethora of photos depicting these and other Dude like occasions… All of this nutty aside, let me just
Dude Mom Life. Mud, Snipers, and Super Hero Birthday Parties.
It’s been ages since I’ve done a Dude Mom Life feature. But, Kristi at Daily Dribbles sent me these muddy inspiring gems… And I figured, yeah, it’s about time. Because my Dude Mom life has been excessively Dudely as of late. And I can tell you that Dude Mom Life is… Even my birthdays are extra Dude-tastic… There was a time when I was certain
Dude Mom Life. A Mother’s Day Celebration Hosted By Future Stunt Dudes.
I’m pretty sure that there is an unwritten life rule out there that says that no matter what, on Mother’s Day, little children everywhere have to act like they were raised by wolves and therefore do not have to celebrate or even recognize the date’s existence, and they can instead proceed to snarl at each other over meat, and space, and air, and stuff. Or.
Dude Mom Life. Dogs & Dudes, the Same, but Different.
As I sit here glaring at my dog who is glaring at me as she sits in front of the door anxiously glancing at the ice covered patch of grass just out front, I’m reminded of why I hate dogs winter. I don’t want to take her outside. Why can’t she just be trusted to go outside, on her own, and not crap on the
Dude Mom Life. Our Crazy Boys.
I got this photo in my email recently… And I can not even tell you how much I love it! As exhausting and trying and unbelievable nutty Dude Mom Life is on a daily basis, it is also so this. Happy, fun, carefree, and full. Becca from Our Crazy Boys says, Dude Mom Life is crazy. Inspiring. Tiring. and most of all, WONDERFUL! I have
BList: Dude Moms. Best Blogs by Moms of Boys.
I am a Dude Mom. It is a life that I was fully unprepared for and completely unaware of until I sewed up my uterus and decided that this was gonna be it for me. For some reason it didn’t feel like I was living a Dude Mom Life until I made absolutely sure that this was gonna be our starting (and finishing) 5: Me,
Dude Mom Life. Live and Love Out Loud.
Most of my mom friends have kids that are close in age to The Dudes. We’re pretty much all experiencing the life of pre-school waitlists and 3rd grade science fair projects together. But, my online friends are much more diverse. I can name first time moms, teenage moms, and empty-nesters who I’ve made genuine connections with. All women who have motherhood in common even though
Dude Mom Life. Hip As I Wannabe & Me.
Decided to share my own Dude Mom Life shot today. Because this is just so very dudely… And, the perfect capture of this weekend. We met up with our pals from home, fellow blog awesome mama and her family, @jennifergerlock during the #GWLWaterslideathon event at Great Wolf Lodge, Williamsburg this past weekend. It was a blast! Even the water sliding part was fun-ish. Accept for