Dude Mom Monday is one of my favorite parts of the week. I love the opportunity to connect with other mamas who are living the batcrap-crazy lifestyle of a life with all boys. It makes me feel slightly less insane and somewhat more normal. And, it gives me a chance share with you all the awesomely amazing, unbearably noisy, constantly in motion, running, jumping, leaping,
Dude Mom Life. Live and Love Out Loud.
Most of my mom friends have kids that are close in age to The Dudes. We’re pretty much all experiencing the life of pre-school waitlists and 3rd grade science fair projects together. But, my online friends are much more diverse. I can name first time moms, teenage moms, and empty-nesters who I’ve made genuine connections with. All women who have motherhood in common even though
Dude Mom Life. The Mommy Mambo.
Baby Dog Daughter is a girl because Dumb Dad wouldn’t let us try again for a human girl baby to call my own thought that if I had something to dress up in pink I might stop putting our son in a tutu and chillax a little about not having another girl around the house. Right. Because a Baby Dog Daughter is exactly the same
Dude Mom Monday. Life With Dudes.
What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than to follow it up with an ultimate celebration of motherhood?! Featuring Dude Moms of course! Yep, Dude Mom’s Life* is really happening! And, to kick off the festivities, please enjoy this submission by fellow Dude Mom to three, Rita from Fighting Off Frumpy… Thanks for the pic, Rita! And, to other Dude Mom’s out there, a
Dude Mom Monday.
A new way to share life as a Dude Mom at pBd. Because I love meeting other cool mama’s and showing off their Mom Awesome to the world! It’s sorta my thing. So much in fact that I will be talking about it (and some other stuff) this Saturday at Bloggy Boot Camp, Boston! That’s right SITStahs! I’m gonna be getting my speak on at
Wordful Wednesday. Stuff Dudes Teach.
As much as I hate and despise winter and winter like weather conditions, there is one thing that is mostly just bad although I’m choosing not to focus on that for the purposes of this post slightly redeeming about the weather that traps us in our home and keeps The Dudes couped up and stir crazy: we get to spend quality time with each other.