Last Thursday #2 had a sore throat.
He stayed home from school on Friday, refused to swallow his saliva for like 48 hours straight, busted about 8 points in his basketball game on Saturday like a boss, and went back to school on Monday morning.
Thursday night I noticed that he maybe had an alien in his neck. Or a human baby. His glands were just that swollen. Like nothing I’d ever seen on this planet.
His neck was tender on the outside, but it felt fine on the inside.
After a quick trip to the doctor Friday morning it was determined that he had strep throat!
Almost a week with strep sorry kids at school?!
Good one mom.
Sunday night, #3 spiked a fever.
I was on my game this time around (and he has just been so much sicker, read high fever, hives, a stiff neck and difficulty breathing thanks to massively swollen tonsils), I got him into the doctor and onto his antibiotics Monday evening.
2 days later he’s still not quite himself, but fortunately he was able to pull it together for a little family fun…
Please enjoy The Dudes (and me, duh) in the In Your Face Strep Throat Version of the Harlem Shake
Here’s hoping the rest of us dodge this bacterial bullet.
Totally cute. Great moves! Btw, when the video is over, you have a link to a Luke Bryan video. That was filmed here in my town, and we got to watch him play hockey with his crew. My brush with fame. Unfortunately, I didn’t even know who he was until later!
I have the biggest grin on my face right now. So big that Jack and Nick had to stop their WWE wrestling and come running to see what I was doing/watching. That was so cute. Thank you for making me smile.
Love it! So trying to convice my children to do a Harlem Shake video, but my self-conscious teen just isn’t buying it!
And UGH about the strep! Hate that.
Wishing all the germs away for you.
PEOPLE AT WORK ARE LOOKING AT ME LIKE I’M CRAY CRAY….I’m crying from laughing….ok…I might be CRAY CRAY but that is HILARIOUS and THANK GOD he pulled it together for that FAMILY FUN!!!!
Love it!!!! We did the harlem shake at my house too.
And strep.
Hope the boys are better soon.
I hope I am as fun a mom as you are!! You crack me up!!
Seriously? Awesome sauce. Thanks for the laugh and hope ya’ll are able to keep the ick away.
They are so much fun!
Aww….poor little guys! I had strep a lot as a kid, it is no fun. Glad they are all better now!
That video? AWESOME! Where did you get a wolf mask like that? Wait….you are a mom of boys…that should explain it…heheheh (kidding)
You just made my day!!!!
Oh man. I think I just died laughing.
Hope everyone else stays germ free!
Man, if y’all were any cuter it’d be a crime.
And I do hope nobody else falls victim to the dreaded ick. I am so ready for cold (weather AND sickness) and germ season to be over.